There is so much entertainment on the Costaablanca coast. And in the air, and on the ground, and even under water! The variety of activities attracts a large number of tourists, because everyone here will find something to their liking.
For those who want to get better acquainted with the underwater world of Benidorm, but are afraid to dive with scuba diving, there is snorkeling – this is swimming right under the surface of the water with a mask, snorkel and fins. Even a small child can master such an adventure, because this requires a minimum amount of energy.
You can enjoy the mesmerizing underwater views right in Benidorm, for example, in the bay of Tio Ximo or near the island of Benidorm. And within 50 kilometers from the city, there are many places where you can dive, meet octopuses and even see sunken ships – the Ifach rock, La Cala bay.
Snorkeling equipment can be bought in shops on the waterfront, or you can rent it in diving clubs, of which there are a lot in the city, for example, Diving stones, Les Basetes.