Breakfast in Spain is a sacred time. No one and nothing can make a real Spaniard refuse this extremely important meal. After all, it sets the tone for the whole day ahead! Spanish breakfasts are simple and satisfying.
For example, it can be a tortilla – a Spanish potato omelet. Among the locals, a comic question is popular – should the tortilla be with or without onions? There is no correct answer, because you can add whatever your heart desires. In any case, it will be tasty, fast and very nutritious.
Tostada is probably the most popular breakfast dish. Toasted bread is poured with grated tomato and olive oil. And then fantasy comes into play: jamon, cheese, herbs, vegetables. Some replace tomato with sweet jam. Tostada is eaten with orange juice and strong coffee.
If you love sweets for breakfast, then you should try churos – fried dough pieces in cinnamon. Churos are usually dipped in thick melted chocolate; this is a traditional combination.
You don’t have to look for a restaurant to enjoy a Spanish breakfast. All necessary products are sold in the supermarket and in the local markets. All rooms at GBH Hoteles y Apartamentos are equipped with a full kitchen, where you can easily prepare all these delicacies and enjoy an authentic breakfast right on your balcony.